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Club Rules, By-Laws
and Policies



1.    It is a condition of membership that you observe the rules of KARTING AUSTRALIA (KA) and the Wimmera Kart Racing Club (WKRC) regarding all conduct both on and off the race circuit. Please be aware that our circuit is LICENCED FOR COMPETITION USE ONLY and your conduct is in accordance with the competition rules of the association.  Breach of these rules may result in cancellation of your membership and licence. All rules and forms can be downloaded by going to


2.    All karts must comply with current KA regulations. All rules and forms can be downloaded by going to


3.    No current membership, no current licence, no use of the circuit! Your KA licence includes your insurance cover. A KA “E” practice licence is the minimum requirement for circuit use. Any non-licensed circuit usage may result in disciplinary action as per the club constitution.


4.    All memberships fall due and are payable on the 1st of January every year. 


5.    KA licence holders are eligible for a circuit key if they wish to hold one after payment of the one-off non-refundable $50 key fee. The circuit key remains the property of WKRC Inc. If a member becomes non-financial or leaves the club they will return the circuit key to a member of the club executive committee within 30 days.


6.    All members using the circuit are required to leave the circuit and surrounds in neat and tidy condition.


7.  Members who participate in 8 hours of working bees throughout the year will receive a membership refund of $100.

I have read, I understand and I will be responsible for and accept responsibility for the conduct and behaviour of myself and of any family member and I agree to abide by the Wimmera Kart Racing Club Membership conditions as listed above.

By-Laws & Policies

Karting Australia by-Laws and Policies

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